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Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2018 - 18:00

Vortrag „Muslim Women and the Rise of Far-Right Movements“

Das Cornelia Goethe Centrum lädt am 19.12.2018 zum Vortrag "Muslim Women and the Rise of Far-Right Movements - Precarious Positionalities, Vulnerable Visibilities" von Aina J Khan in PEG 1G191 um 18:00 Uhr ct ein. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

In a post-Brexit, Trump-era landscape, the ascension of the far-right in Europe has seen a palpable intensification of Islamophobia. At the crosshairs of a renewed social and political spotlight on Muslims in Europe are visibly Muslim women who in the UK alone, were the target of more than half of Islamophobic attacks in 2017, a gendered Islamophobia propagated mostly by white men. Perceived as the perpetual 'other', Muslim women are in a paradoxical situation in which they are simultaneously perceived as a threat to national security but also in need of saving.

In this talk, Khan will discuss how Muslim women's bodies are being used by the far-right, by politicians and feminists, as battlegrounds to wage physical and intellectual wars embedded in a paternalism that positions a Eurocentric and myopic feminism that fails to consider the intersections of race and class which many Muslim women straddle.

Aina J Khan is a graduate student in the M. A. programme "Religion in Global Politics" at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. She is a Londonbased journalist who has written for Al Jazeera English, The Guardian, VICE, The Independent, and Middle East Eye. She has worked in broadcast and on numerous documentaries examining topical social issues such as integration, social mobility, feminism, and Islam with ITN Productions, Channel 4, BBC Three. Over the last three years, she has worked with Southbank Centre, the UK's largest arts centre, on the Women of the World (WOW) Bradford festival, which celebrates women and young girls and takes a frank look at the obstacles they face.