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Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2019 - 18:15

Polen im Wachtraum. Die Revolution 1939-1956 und ihre Folgen

Lecture in English by Dr. habil. Andrzej Leder

Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2019, 18.15 Uhr
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend,
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, Casino-Gebäude, Raum 1.802

Andrzej Leder's book "Polen im Wachtraum" provoked a broad discussion in Poland in 2014. It's about the core of the upheavals in East Central Europe between 1939 and 1956: the murder of Polish Jews under German occupation as well as the destruction of the landed gentry as a result of socialist order imposed after 1945. Leder explains that the character of the actors as subjects in the course of the »Polish revolution« was systematically faded out because independent political actions were not possible under German and Soviet rule. According to him, only critical analysis can lead to an awakening from this »daydream«.

Dr. habil. Andrzej Leder is Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. He is the author of philosophical treatises and historical work on the history of Poland. His book "Polen im Wachtraum" appeared in 2019 in German.

Eine Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Polen-Institut (Darmstadt)

_source_ : https://www.fritz-bauer-institut.de/veranstal…
_source_ : message received on 3. Dezember 12 Uhr