Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2018 - 18:00
Postcolonial Black and Native Brazilian Women Movements in Brazil between Amefricanism and Feminism: What are they about?
Djamila Ribeiro
In Brazil, we are still struggling to study other geographies of reason and to access to productions from the south of the world. In this way, many thinkers argue that Brazil does not exist as postcolonial. In our context, in Brazil - the last country in the Northern hemisphere to end slavery on May 13, 1888 - and the largest black country in the world outside of Africa, each 23 minutes a young black man is killed as a victim of police violence, the colonial perspective is still strongly reproduced and colonial dynamics are persisting. Despite a number of important public policies in the last years and despite essential works on the subject, not many changes are visible. In the mean time, there are Indigenous schools of education existing - as one example of the legacy of struggle of black women who have defined themselves and guided politics. Still the processes of decolonization of thoughts and epistemologies and the restitution of denied humanities are slow. The aim of the lecture is to show the legacy of resistance and "reexistence" while explaining the difficulties of this critical debate in the Brazilian context, for which the intellectual Kabengele Munanga defined "racism as a perfect crime".
DJAMILA RIBEIRO is Professor of the State School of Education of São Paulo and an activist who worked at the House of House of Culture of Black Women, Santos and Educafro. She is Founding member of Mapô - Nucleus of Interdisciplinary Studies in Race, Gender and Sexuality of the Federal University of São Paulo and was assistant Secretary for Human Rights in the city of São Paulo in 2016. Further, she acts as a consultant for companies on racial and gender issues. She has written the preface of the Brazilian edition of "Woman, race and class", by Angela Davis.
This lecture is part of the Cornelia Goethe Colloquium in 2018.